The Adventures of Sunshine & Peanut

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh "Tan"enbaum

Generally when its time for Christmas Trees it's generally pretty cold here in Connecticut. This year, however, we are having some freakish weather, including a giant snowstorm in October. Well, after bundling the kids up and getting my fur-lined Uggs ready for our annual trip to Jones' Tree Farm to pick out our tree I realized that it was possible we may have been a little bit overdressed. Where in years past we were bundled in our scarves and mittens and fought some bitter, whipping wind, this year we had a balmy, super-sunshiny 70 degree day! It was a beautiful day for being outdoors but definitely weird for picking a tree :)

Daddy was the only one smart enough to wear sunglasses
In past years we have gotten pretty big trees and have had some definite "experiences" getting the tree up in the house. (Daddy will tell you all about it when you are older!!) So, this year we decided to maybe get a smaller tree. Lucky for us it didn't take too long to find one that was just right. We found it with no tears, yelling or swearing, can you belive it?

We tried to take some family pictures so we would remember Benjamin's first Christmas Tree but we were half-blind from the sun.

And here is a picture of our 2011 Christmas Tree! Christmas here we come!!!!!

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