The Adventures of Sunshine & Peanut

Thursday, December 15, 2011

That Thing You Do

Oh my little Benjamin. While I can't express how appreciative I am that you are now sleeping from 8:30 p.m. until about 5:30 a.m. I would be even more appreciative if you could just sleep maybe like 45 minutes longer o.k. Well, at that magical (albeit) early hour there is this thing that you do. After you have eaten you start to get sleepy again and I know I should get back up and put you back in your bed, but, some days I just don't and those are the best days. See, you do this thing, this wonderful little thing that I love. Just as you are falling asleep you always reach out and grab my hand or my arm and then you finally give in and go back to sleep. Some days you even reach out and put your tiny little hand on my cheek. Most of the time I fall back asleep too and Daddy finds us fast asleep holding hands when he comes back from the gym to get ready for work. I just wanted you to know that I love that moment and I know when you get bigger I will remember it but you might not, thank you for those moments.
Love Always,

Oh "Tan"enbaum

Generally when its time for Christmas Trees it's generally pretty cold here in Connecticut. This year, however, we are having some freakish weather, including a giant snowstorm in October. Well, after bundling the kids up and getting my fur-lined Uggs ready for our annual trip to Jones' Tree Farm to pick out our tree I realized that it was possible we may have been a little bit overdressed. Where in years past we were bundled in our scarves and mittens and fought some bitter, whipping wind, this year we had a balmy, super-sunshiny 70 degree day! It was a beautiful day for being outdoors but definitely weird for picking a tree :)

Daddy was the only one smart enough to wear sunglasses
In past years we have gotten pretty big trees and have had some definite "experiences" getting the tree up in the house. (Daddy will tell you all about it when you are older!!) So, this year we decided to maybe get a smaller tree. Lucky for us it didn't take too long to find one that was just right. We found it with no tears, yelling or swearing, can you belive it?

We tried to take some family pictures so we would remember Benjamin's first Christmas Tree but we were half-blind from the sun.

And here is a picture of our 2011 Christmas Tree! Christmas here we come!!!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's a Funny Thing

One of the joys of watching your baby grow up is seeing those first smiles, hearing those first giggles, and watching their eyes light up in recognition when you walk in a room. Of course there is also that sweet baby smell, and the gentle reassurance of your baby's breath as he breathes while sleeping on your chest. Just this week in just such a moment Daddy turned his head and said, "Some people just don't deserve Benjamin's smiles, he is just too sweet for some of the rude people in this world." And while its possible that I might be biased I do think that Benjamin is just the sweetest, happiest little boy on the whole planet.