The Adventures of Sunshine & Peanut

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Christmas and the Ruby Red Sneakers

This year Jack did not have an extensive list for Santa, there were just two items that he really wanted. Ok, so you would think it would be some kind of car or Transformer knowing Jack, but nope...he wanted Red Puma Sneakers and a "J" necklace adorned with "jewels" that he had seen at Kmart. Being his father's child Santa could understand Jack's request for the sneakers as Daddy is also quite obsessed with shoes as well. Jack was very concerned that Santa would not remember the Red Pumas that he made an effort each day to remind Mommy to tell Santa that these sneakers were the only thing he wanted! And the necklace, yeah, not so sure about that one, maybe his fashion influence is Mr. T :) Of course on Christmas morning before the rest of the family could wake up Jack ran downstairs to examine the gifts that Santa left and proceeded to bring them upstairs one by one and leave them in a pile next to Mommy & Daddy's bed. Of course he had already singled out that box which he assumed (correctly) contained the Red Pumas. We were blessed this year celebrate Benjamin's first Christmas and we are so grateful for all of the gifts that Santa brought and that were given to us by our family.

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